It’s a mindset. A place of happiness. And also a term that’s cropping up all over social media right now.
What we tend to focus on specifically right now in the ~social world~ is being body positive. It’s about loving every body the way they are. Accepting and embracing your curves, your height, and your petite stature. It’s about celebrating your you-ness.
I am a massive fan of the body positivity movement. Hell, it’s 2018 – we need to celebrate this ‘all bodies are amazing’ mantra. Because I know I sure could have used that growing up!
While body positivity comes in all shapes and sizes, I wanted to talk about something a little different that I feel is only just starting to make headlines. Another movement on the rise. That’s skin positivity.
Yep, I’m talking about acne, dark circles, fine lines, whatever is plaguing you – you’re not alone.
I used to naively think while growing up that once I hit 21 that my skin was going to be magically clear and perfect. Why 21? I have no idea. But it seemed like the magic number to me.
And truthfully, growing up, I never experienced much acne to write home about. My skin suffered the odd blemish here and there – but it was later on in my 20s that it seemed to be a little more aggressive. A week before my period? I knew it was on it’s way, because my face would start to break out feverishly.
Now? I’m 28 and it’s still happening. My 15 year old self would be tragically disheartened. But at 28, I’ve come around to the idea of loving my skin no matter what grief it wants to put me through. And as I get older, we get to add things like wrinkles and dark circles into the mix in addition to acne.
But here’s the thing. Skin positivity is a definitely a cool kind of thing. And with the rise of more millennials talking about their skin problems, it means it’s something that’s not taboo to talk about anymore. Video blogger, Em Ford channeled this is her “You Look Disgusting” video that went viral a few years ago. It’s not uncommon or weird to have a breakout. It doesn’t make you look “less pretty” or attractive. Blemishes are real. Wrinkles show wisdom! They happen and that’s OK!
I’ve made peace with my skin. So instead of fixing it like it’s a problem… I aim to treat it with kindness. I want to treat my skin.
Enter the Yesto Tomatoes range.
I’ve recently been using the Yesto Tomatoes range for my “skin treat”. They kindly sent across their range which includes a blemish-clearing, spot-fighting and oil controlling natural skincare. You might think that means that it’s got to have some pretty heavy stuff in it though right?
Not like you’d think. It’s actually 95% natural alongside being cruelty-free and vegan. And the ingredients include bacteria-fighting salicylic acid, calming lycopene from tomatoes and vitamin C helps heal and clear skin. So I feel good about using it. Plus, I’ve been working towards building up a more natural skincare ingredients routine, so I was keen to try out their range anyways.
5 ways to get on track towards your own skin positivity
Look after the essentials
I think the first step to achieving skin positivity is realizing there’s an inside to out approach with it. Your skin is yours alone. Treat it well (we should count how many times I say treat). That means that sometimes it starts within. Ensure that you’re getting those 8 big glasses of water in a day. Take your vitamins. Remove your makeup and wash your face properly before you go to sleep. Try your hardest to not pick that spot.
Masks are your BFF
I really don’t know why it took me so long to get on board with face masks. They are a BEAUTIFUL thing. Why wouldn’t you add a small 10-20 minute luxury treatment into your routine? It’s easy!
I’m loving the Yesto Charcoal mud mask as well as their Blemish Fighting paper mask… I’ve even stashed one of these to save for a few weeks time for pre-period too. 😉
Eating well
Yesto aren’t wrong when they talk about the benefits of natural ingredients. Tomatoes themselves are a good source of vitamin C and full of all of the major carotenoids, especially lycopene. Science fact: carotenoids protect your skin from sun damage and may help prevent wrinkling. And why stop at tomatoes? If you’re not a vegetarian, look into adding more fish to your diet – salmon is packed with omega-3’s which reduce redness and inflammation. Other foodie items to try adding more of to your diet: avocados, walnuts, green tea, sunflower seeds… good food makes your skin feel good too.
Get your beauty sleep
I too, am sucked into Netflix binges and late night reads. But rest is a seriously important part of maintenance. I understand that eight hours can be tough for everyone. My advice is to get the sleep that you need. Whether you thrive on six hours or need nine to get through your day, your skin will thank you for the much needed rest. And for the nights where you’ve gotten in late and might not grab as much ‘zzz’ time as you like? I’ve recently tried the Yesto sleeping mask. You leave it on overnight (don’t worry about your pillows with this one) and wake up with a fresh glow. I could use this daily… or well, nightly.
Say yes to being kind
Obviously, this post is just the tip of the iceberg for skincare and skin positivity chats. But I’d like to start moving forward this autumn with kindness towards myself (skin and otherwise). I always think of autumn as a fresh start. I’d like to move forward with not picking apart my skin because maybe, just maybe, it’s time to start putting my best face forward. Blemishes and all.
We as humans collectively seem to struggle to forgive ourselves, and our bodies for their flaws.
Be kind to them – they make you, you. And knowing that instead of berating my skin – I need to love it – and treat it. If I have a blemish, so what? I can easily pop on a mask or blemish fighting treatment to treat myself. Looking after your skin doesn’t have to be a laborious task… it should be enjoyable and you should feel good doing it.
Something to take away…
My challenge to myself is to work on my very own skin positivity this autumn and as a result, for the future! I’m excited to take more time to ensure that I feel good. because when you feel good, you automatically look good. It’s like a glow.
Finally it’s my challenge to you! Take a few minutes out of your day to be kind to your skin and say yes to skin positivity. Let me know how you celebrate or add skin positivity into your routine! I can’t wait to see what you have to share.
Kelly x
PS. This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Yesto and their newly launched Tomatoes range. All of my views, opinions, photos, blemishes, dark circles and wrinkles are my own. And if you’d like to find out more about Yesto you can visit their website where they have everything from facial wipes to daily repair treatments and paper masks to moisturiser. Or you can pick up their products from your local supermarket. My local to find them is Sainsburys.