

  1. lruthnum says

    Ahhh you’re killing me with this post – I have the biggest craving for massive blueberry pancakes!!! Luckily I’m going to NYC soon so can get some fluffly American ones 🙂 My fave spot for breakfast in the UK is The Bankhouse (a tiny independent restaurant ) in Snettisham, not far from my home – their smoked salmon and scrambled eggs is to die for!

    • Kelly FlatEleven says

      Hehe, sorry! They were just too good to keep to myself. When you’re in NYC you’ll have to pop into a diner and dive into some good old fashioned fluffy American pancakes…or I always love the ins and outs of Brooklyn’s eateries too. Let me know where you end up! (PS. now I want smoked salmon and scrambled eggs). xx