After a whirlwind of adventures, we’ve finally made it to my hometown, in Buffalo, New York.
Which means that for the first time in two weeks I can relax. I realise that sounds completely strange after being on vacay for the past few weeks, but when you’re constantly on the move, it’s not so much a relaxing holiday, it’s an adventure holiday.
Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE to travel and see new things, experience new places, but oh my god. How good does it feel to get back to that familiar place you call home? Especially going back to visit your childhood home. All the feels you guys. And I have the comfiest bed in the history of time.
But enough about that because now I have a little bit of NEWFOUND BLOGGING TIME. For the next week, I’m home and can sleep in, get my zen on and write my heart out.
Time for some headspace.
So let’s rewind back to the start of our trip, our time in New York City.
The second day back in our old home brought us out from our hotel in the Financial District off towards the Brooklyn Bridge.
The weather was scorching and it threw me back to the days when we lived in Queens in our sweltering hot apartment. Holy hell that was a hot summer.
In order to minimise the whole sweating thing, I dug through my case and threw on my ASOS shorts and Topshop lace tank.
I wanted to play a little bit of a tourist and you know, get my 10,000 steps of the day in (LOL, because we ended up walking 26,000).
So we ventured up to 34th Street to check out the iconic Macy’s and stop in the Victoria’s Secret because I wasn’t about to do laundry on holiday and I ran out of everything. (Fun fact, I also had to stop AGAIN to buy more in San Francisco. I’m good at packing though, I swear it.)
After a totally unsuccessful trip into Macy’s land, we wandered through Bryant Park before plotting our next move.
It was ice cream in the park. Obviously.
Of course, I had to match my ice cream to my phone case.
I know. I’m cute like that.
But it was hot and I was getting hangry. The ice cream was nice, but you know, didn’t count. So it was back to the end of the Financial District for dinner and drinks with our friend at a quaint little place called Nelson Blue.
It seems like we just couldn’t stop ourselves from continuing to feed our hangovers with a little hair of the dog.
However, I decided that my body couldn’t stomach any more bread (you know it’s been a binge when that’s my logic), so I went for a tasty kale salad that made me start feeling like a heathy human again.
Joe, of course, didn’t see my reasoning and ordered some spicy chicken wings. These were so YUM. Because of course I tried some.
We fueled and then headed back to our cutie pie hotel the Gild Hall and popped downstairs for some glasses of vino.
Hair of the dog indeed.
Kelly xoxo