

  1. Tiffany Muehlbauer (@t_muehlbauer) says

    Nice job! Looks like you had a great time. About 1.5 years ago, my husband and I decided to run a marathon. We ran a few halfs along the way, and since then too. The half-marathons are always fun. Congratulations and hopefully this wasn’t your last. 🙂

    • Kelly FlatEleven says

      Wow. A full marathon is beyond impressive. Congrats to you and your husband on all your races! When I got to the point where it branched into the full… I couldn’t have imagined going much further. But I’d definitely keep it up with the half marathons, it was hard work but a great time. xoxo

  2. Nichole says

    Congratulations!! You deserve to be proud of yourself! How awesome. It definitely was beautiful too and looks like you had fun:)) That is something I want to do so bad someday.

    • Kelly FlatEleven says

      Thank you! It was such a gorgeous day. Let me know if you end up signing up for the half and are ever in need of motivation and encouragement along the way! xox

  3. Colleen says

    So awesome! One of my goals for this year is to do a half marathon as well. What kind of training plan did you follow? I feel like I’m having such a hard time mapping out the time with work!

  4. Shawna says

    yayyyyy congratulationsssss!!! so happy for you!!! you look amazing, and you did amazing, and i’m so glad that you had a great experience. 🙂