And just like that… I’m back in the game with my return to blogging.
In my last post I was taking a month off. A full month off from blogging. Let’s let that one sink in for a second.
I’d taken little breaks here and there, interspersed with a post or two, but a full month?! WHO EVEN AM I?
I’m not sure anymore.
In the past month, I’ve had time to:
Go to the gym. Yes, fitness has somehow come back on my radar. When you feel physically good, you start to feel mentally good. Which is worth taking a break from everything in itself.
Walk home from work… turned into running home from work. I’m not sure I can categorise what I’m doing as running, considering I’m ‘running’ with a massive backpack filled with all things I cannot live without, like MAC lipsticks, water bottles and notebooks galore. Come to think of it, maybe speed walking is most appropriate.
In the past two weeks I’ve been jogging home two miles every day from work (or at least days when we don’t have events, or I don’t have evening plans). At least three times a week, if not more. I’m not a massive fan of having to shower twice a day, but I can feel myself getting slimmer, more toned and most importantly, I’m gaining energy and positivity. #WorthIt
See my friends. Oh those people who I love and want to spend time with? DONE. Instead of fretting over whether or not I’ve written a post, I took some time off to actually sit and enjoy the company of my favourite people. And I laughed. A lot.
Spend time with Joe. It’s been a good month for being free from any blogging obligations. It was the last month (ish) before the Premier League went back into action, so we had a great few weekends left together before it all started and we no longer get weekends together. We got to spend time doing silly things like watching movies and exploring our little area of Kensington.
Host my family! My mom came over from the US along with two of my aunts, my uncle and cousin. For two of them, they’d never crossed to this side of the atlantic and it was honestly amazing to see them all again. I took a few days off from work to spend time with them and I can’t believe it’s already come and gone.
There’s so much more in between. And honestly, so much content from this summer that I really do need to focus on getting up online. But you know what? I’m taking my sweet time, because this break has taught me that sometimes it’s good to put the real you first. And think of online you a little bit later.
Kelly xox
Beth | TOASTY says
I’m glad you enjoyed your break, Kelly, welcome back! xx