

  1. Kendel @ Little Misadventures says

    Ice-cream and pancakes and tacos?! This sounds like my type of city (and guide to the city – nonetheless). I have wanted to go there for the LONGEST TIME. No joke. I think I’ve wanted to visit the city since I was nine years old haha. This place looks like the thing of my dreams!

  2. Sophie says

    Ah the High Line was my favourite thing in NYC when I went a few years ago. I could have spent hours just wandering up and down. Totally bookmarking all these tips for when I go back next!
    A Story of a Girl

  3. Beth | TOASTY says

    Okay, my mouth is watering after hearing about all that food, it looks delicious! I’m hoping to go to New York at some point next year so I’ll definitely be saving your post for future reference 🙂 xx
