A week ago at this time, I had just completed my first half marathon.
In my humble opinion, a huge reason to celebrate.
After months of training, I accomplished one of my largest goals.
13.1 miles is no easy feat.
So last Sunday, we all felt it was a time to pop open some bubbles and toast to our success.
An Instagram favorite…
I do love the look of pink champagne. Always classic but certainly with an added element of fun.
We toasted to our running accomplishments and to our upcoming wedding…
This is your cue…grab your own glass and join in (not to toast to us, but you know, pink champagne is always fun)
There was no better way to celebrate on a hot summer day.
Relaxing outside with a seemingly endless glass of champagne in hand…
Life couldn’t possibly get any better.
But sometimes when you’re perfectly content and happy, things do get better.
My dad surprised me with a little pre-wedding/half marathon completed treat.
My fashion eyes feasted right on it and instantly fell in love.
He thought it would be the perfect fit to take away on the plane to Hawaii for the honeymoon.
And it will be.
More than anything though, I’m very impressed that he kept it a secret and didn’t give me this gift early.
As a bit of background, my dad is a fantastic finder of gifts and presents. But without fail, he cannot wait until the day of to give you your gift. The day before, a few days before. He’s too anxious and excited to keep a secret.
So we’re always impressed when he manages to succeed at waiting.
All around, it was a great day of running, relaxing, treats and champagne toasts.
And now with only a short six days until my wedding, I envision quite a few toasts in my future days…
I like to live by the idea that we have many things in life to celebrate, even the small things.
So what have you celebrated lately?
xx Kelly
FatFreeFashion says
Congrats on the half, that’s awesome! The MK tote ain’t too shabby, either! 😉
Shawna says
totally with you on the celebrating everything in life thing — i love to do the same! pink champagne is always a good idea and it goes well with that purse — such a sweet gift from the dad! that bag is super popular in NYC right now, although i haven’t seen it in that color. 🙂 enjoy it!