Happy Sunday and happy lazy weekend to you all!
This week was all kinds of intense and went by in an absolute blur. As much as we all truly love a Bank Holiday weekend. It somehow seems to add an extra week’s worth of work into four days. Anyways, we totally pulled through and made it to Friday! Wahoo!
I’m not even sure what happened this week, so let’s try and figure it out by the puzzle pieces that are my photos…
Time for your Sunday Coffee…
1. Easter Sunday in the South!
Joe and I left sunny London and travelled down south to visit his family for Easter. As we left the beautifully bright and sunny London, our trip took a turn where it poured on the train journey. I don’t know why I thought my bare legs were a brilliant idea for the day. They weren’t. But we had a great time sipping on Prosecco and catching up with family and that’s what Easter’s all about right?
We thought on Saturday night it would be a BRILLIANT idea to buy Dark Chocolate Giant Eggs, as if we didn’t anticipate the amount of chocolate eggs that would be coming our way Sunday. My entire get healthy in the new year plan isn’t going too hot right now guys.
3. House of Fraser Home Decor
It’s a place I never immediately turn to when I’m thinking that I need to pick out homeware, but House of Fraser is really rocking it right now. I snapped up this fabulous little copper drinks tray and created an entire Bar wishlist. Drinks, anyone?
4. You Doughtnut
Have you ever had this wonderful masterpiece before? You Doughnut is one of the incredible food vendors at Dinerama and um, this whole situation happened last week. Again, goodbye healthy living.
5. Shopping at TK Maxx
When we were in the south on Bank Holiday Monday I went shopping with Joe’s mom and sister and snapped up a Michael Kors blazer and Ted Baker jacket all for about £80. I can’t wait to get outfit posts in the works, but seriously, what good deals! I always forget and overlook TK Maxx. Not anymore! (For the record, in the states, it’s TJ Maxx).
We finally did it. We’ve been living with this horrific brown sofa that was here when we moved in. I hated it then, and while I hate it slightly less now. It’s time for a change. We ordered the spectacular dream of a couch from Made.com and it’s coming this week you guys! Seriously, Made.com have really great furniture. I’ll need to do a post about this when the living room is complete.
7. Career of Evil
I downloaded this book ages ago to my iPad. As an ever obsessed J.K. Rowling fan, I’ve been loving her Robert Galbraith novels. I started this yesterday morning and plan on finishing it later today, so don’t spoil it! I’ve forgotten how incredible it is to read a book for fun. I think we all need to do this so much more in our lives.
8. Hard Rock Cafe Brunch
This is where I’m off to this morning to see what it’s all about. Expect Instagram pics and Snapchats (follow me @kellyprincew)!
That’s it from me today. Short and sweet.
I think I’ll need to have more adventures this week!
Kelly xoxo