

  1. RebeccaT says

    I absolutely love Winchester! I lived there for three years, and it is a beautiful city. Have you ever been up St Giles Hill to see the panoramic view over the city?

    • Kelly FlatEleven says

      Rebecca, no I actually haven’t! But I just Googled it and the view looks amazing. I think I’m going to need to repeat a trip there to check it out. You’re so lucky you lived there for three years. We’re looking into moving soon and it’s on the list that we need to check out! X

      • RebeccaT says

        It is an amazing view- on a summer’s day it is lovely to head up there with a picnic. A nice walk can also be had around Winnall Moors- bit blink and you miss it, but feels really remote despite being so close to town! I went I the university of Winchester, and loved every minute of living there. Let me know if you return and I will give you some tips 🙂 x

        • Kelly FlatEleven says

          Thanks Rebecca, I’ll have to get your advice the next time we head there! Although it’s more likely we’ll be wandering about in the cold winter months. So I’ll save picnicking for the summertime 🙂 And going to uni there sounds fantastic, what a lovely place to be all the time. X

  2. Lady Gregory says

    Oh, this made me sooooo homesick for England. Enjoyed this post so much, even with the rainy background.

  3. Sofia says

    Hi Kelly! I’ve lived in the UK but I haven’t been to Winchester, though it looks like one of those gorgeous little English towns that I love to stroll in xx