

  1. syl-v says

    Thank you so much for your comment 🙂

    I love this blog. Definitely fulfills my escapist desires to visit a new place every few hours 😉 I’ve actually been wanting to visit Switzerland (mostly for the Marina Abramovic prototype at Museum Tinguely in Basel) so I can’t wait to see your upcoming posts.

    My dad always taught me to have an extra pair of underwear handy..so this is probably one weird thing that most people don’t put in their traveling handbag hahaha

    • Kelly FlatEleven says

      Thanks for checking out my blog, and for the kind words. I do love a bit of travel… I wish we could have headed over to Basel as well, but you can only fit so much into a weekend! It was a lovely time.

      Also, your dad has very solid advice. I usually have a full change of clothes nearby when I’m traveling over a long period of time… I hate feeling like I’ve been in something too long! X

      • Sam says

        That’s good. I have a mini Totes umbrella that I got from Target awhile back, and it fits in all my bags perfectly. 🙂