

  1. Angie SilverSpoon says

    My top book of all time is Jane Eyre, it really spoke to me and I’ve actually read it several times now. I you haven’t read it I’d also recommend Grape of Wrath by John Steinbeck, it’s a book that really stayed with me my whole life. As for the third, it’s a lighter read but I just love Pride and Prejudice.

    Lots of love,

    SilverSpoon London

    • Kelly FlatEleven says

      This is such a good list of three books Angie. Perfect inspiration to put on my ‘books to read in 2015’ list. I can’t remember the last time I read Pride and Prejudice! xox

  2. Captain Charghley says

    Can’t go wrong with a bit of Potter! The 3 books that spring to mind for me would be The Kite Runner – I never thought I would ever cry reading a book until this one, Dracula – I love how all the sentences seem backwards but makes perfect sense, and finally 1984 – this book made me feel strange inside.

    Thanks for sharing yours! The Great Gatsby is definitely on my list to read!


    • Kelly FlatEleven says

      Oh these are such good ones! Everyone is so beyond clever with their suggestions. I’ve actually never read The Kite Runner, but always heard amazing things. I need to pick it up. And oh my, 1984! It’s been ages since I’ve thought of that book, such a chilling type of dystopian society. xox

  3. Kiran says

    Love your choices. After studying literature at university, I’ve never lost that fascination with books, and when other people share that, it touches my heart in a way I can’t quite describe.
    I recently read ‘The Book Thief’ too, and it was absolutely magical! If I had to pick a top three though…
    Wuthering Heights, for its haunting beauty and fierce love
    Harry Potter, which always makes me happy
    The Physician, an epic tale of culture, strength and courage – I’ve read it 2-3 times and I get so immersed in it!

    • Kelly FlatEleven says

      Oh I’ve never read The Physician, but your enthusiasm for it makes it sound like I absolutely need to! Thanks for sharing your top picks, I love finding out which books others are into. Recommendations are just the best way to find a new read 🙂 xox