

  1. catseatdogs Makes and Bakes says

    Oh my, you are a brave girl doing this! I would be crabby all day and most likely have passed out by lunch! I need food, honest, crunch it up using teeth food!
    I am trying to drink more water though, does that count?!

    • Kelly FlatEleven says

      Drinking more water 100% counts! And I’d love to be able to say I’m completely brave doing this…but since it got cancelled on Day 2, I’m not sure it totally counts. Or does it? Let’s count it anyways. It was a one day challenge! X

  2. Shawna says

    i’ve read so much about them and weighed my options, but i haven’t done one. i have a juicer and like to make my own and have it for breakfast or snacks, so that’s good enough for me. 🙂

    • Kelly FlatEleven says

      I really love being able to make them in the mornings too. It’s a great way to start the day. But in a way, this was nice because I didn’t have to actually have to make them myself! 🙂 I’ll have to put up a post when I actually get a chance to properly do my three day challenge… winter storms permitting. X

  3. Emily says

    First of all, I’m in love with your blog. I’m so glad you commented on mine so I could find it!

    Second, I’m like you and have been saying that I want to try a cleanse for months…maybe years. I’m just afraid that I’ll start and then, knowing that I can’t have food, feel deprived and desperate. I could be wrong but that’s what I fear! Plus, they’re so expensive.

    Thank you for sharing your honest review- it actually helped me a lot! I hope you’ll get to do your full cleanse when the weather is more accommodating. It might actually be a lot easier when it’s warm outside!

    • Kelly FlatEleven says

      Aw thanks Emily! Organic Avenue actually ended up sending me the rest of my juice cleanse, even though I’ve rescheduled it (hopefully it comes again next week as planned). So I mixed in the juice with my normal routine and by the third day, I ended up relying mostly on the juice with much smaller food portions than usual.

      Hopefully I’ll have a more detailed blog post up on it when the three day cleanse comes in! xx

  4. Rachel Yeoh says

    I’ve done the three-day Plenish juice cleanse! I was feeling super bloated after Christmas and needed a detox. I actually never felt that hungry – there are so many juices that I could barely finish them all off. You do end up really missing chewing food though. Looking forward to the post! Xx
