Ok cool, so you want to start a blog, huh?
You got it pal! This long awaited blog post is finally arriving… and it’s all about starting a blog.
Full disclosure, this isn’t typically my area of expertise. I will never claim to be an expert on how-to’s or anything remotely tech related.
If I’m being honest, it’s probably a miracle that I continually am able to post and publish and occasionally change the colours on my website.
HOWEVER. It has been a much-requested topic lately so I’m going to assume I’m doing something right in this little online world.
Starting a blog isn’t a particularly easy feat. Sure, I can certainly help you go about the basics, but it’s important to remember that at the end of the day, only you can force yourself to sit down and actually write out words on a screen.
Considering I’ve been opening and closing this tab for about three weeks now, it certainly is harder than it looks.
So I thought I’d go about this by starting a series of tips and tricks and information on how I use blogging. This is all my personal opinion, insight and weird rambling in this blogging world.
I’m not perfect and I’m not here to make bold claims that I can help you achieve blogging success or stardom. I’m simply going to share some of the things I do and hopefully they will help you along the way as well.
That means there’s no pressure from me and hopefully no pressured expectations from you either. We’re all here for mostly fun and my endless chitchat. You know that already about me I’m sure, so I assume you were expecting this.
Let’s get started, shall we? Today I’m kicking off my blogging series by sharing the fundamental basics on starting a blog. Also known as…
Eight essential tips for starting your very own blog
One small step for you, one GIANT leap into the internet
First things first you’ve decided you want to start a blog! It’s a pretty big decision so I’m giving you a virtual round of applause! Now I’m giving you a light tap on the back of the head. I think you know, when Snape hits Harry and Ron with the book). It’s done with a little bit of humour and sarcasm because you’re about to embark on a hair-pulling journey! It’s fun but it is also a hell of a lot of work.
But that’s OK, because we’re here for a challenge, aren’t we?
Establish “the what”
It’s actually super important to start by establishing what you’re trying to achieve. Are you starting a blog simply as your own space on the internet to ramble about your days? Are you looking to educate? Give travel tips? Provide insight on a specific topic? Show off your latest fashion looks?
It’s important to establish “the what”. And remember, it’s OK if you’re not totally sure! For example, when I first started blogging, it was literally just an outlet for me to share my musings. There wasn’t a big rhyme or reason to it, I just wanted to continue practicing my writing skills and decided blogging was a good way to do that.
However, as time progressed, I decided that the all-encompassing term I was looking for was “Lifestyle blog”.
Lifestyle blogs are great in a sense because they don’t hold you back with topics and genres, per se. You have the freedom to continue to talk about whatever you like, as you like.
It can though mean lack of potential growth. I’ve found that most blogs, Instagrams, social medias that have a niche tend to perform much better. However, it’s all about what you’re looking to achieve with your “what”.
I like being able to ramble about all things travel, fashion, and my house. However, in the past few months – literally maybe even the past two months – I decided that adding elements of magic makes me the happiest. As an avid Harry Potter fan (and fan of all things just a tiny bit OK A WHOLE LOT nerdy) I’m fully embracing that side of me.
Ironically, the moment I established embracing all elements of magic, cosy and well, rambling MY thoughts as my theme… things started to slot into place.
So while you don’t have to have one started yet, knowing your theme, knowing your “what” can be important for growth when you are starting a blog.
Play the name game
My advice is to always go with either 1) your own name or 2) a name that fits what you’re doing. My very first blog was called Flat Eleven. It was our flat number in Edinburgh and I thought it was going to be some cool lifestyle website like Refinery29. It. Was. Not.
It wasn’t really established enough for it to make sense. And using “Flat” in the name, implies more that it should have featured as a home decor space. Considering that I was a very, very poor broke uni student at the time, my home decor style was incredibly basic IKEA and whatever the flat came furnished with.
Moving on a few years later and I decided it was time to change my blog name.
I went for “Kelly Prince Writes”, a play on words as my full name is Kelly Prince-Wright.
In some ways, I still find this genius, but in many other ways I stupidly think I should have just let it be my name as it is. But sometimes you have to commit to working with what you have. It’s a little too late in the game for me to change it again and I do actually still like “Kelly Prince Writes”.
Choose your host
No, you won’t need to bring wine and a cake to this host (somebody stop me). I’m talking about your web provider. In order to have your own website and starting a blog you need to find the perfect host to suit your needs.
I use Bluehost and I’m only particularly committed to it because I don’t really understand or know how to change over at this point. I expect if I wanted to switch hosting providers, I’d have to pay someone to do this for me. Because I am a LAZY blogger, I’ll continue keeping them.
Go Daddy and HostGator are also ones that I’ve heard are good. But mind you, other than my recommendations of where to find your host, that’s all I’ve got for you in this department.
You will also need to sign up to start your site through either WordPress or Squarespace (or there are others but I’m not super familiar with them) – this is the space where your blog will “live, breathe and produce”. I use WordPress. It is the essential part where you will be able to customize your website design, write and publish posts, you name it. All of it is done on WordPress – Bluehost is just my “site host”.
I realize it’s a bit confusing and my explanations are mildly comical. Like I said, I’m not an expert. But I do know you first need something like WordPress to launch your site on. And then Bluehost which will do the website “hosting”.
It is beyond apparent that I will never retrain in tech.
Design your space!
I mean, there’s no point in blogging if you don’t have a pretty website to stare back at you from your screen, right? There are plenty of WordPress designs that you can find either on WordPress itself or places like Etsy to purchase a template.
When I first started blogging, I used the basic ones from WordPress (remember, I wasn’t making money from blogging and was starting for fun). So it didn’t really matter so much back then to me.
Alternatively, it is very easy to find more personalised blog designs on sites like Etsy. I also purchased a few designs from Station Seven before my current theme.
Last year I decided to go a new route and had my blog bespokely designed by Gatto Designs at the very end of the year. We worked together selecting colours, themes, and layouts in order to achieve what my website looks like today – and I LOVE it! This is a huge step when it comes to blog designs and I really wouldn’t recommend going the fully bespoke route until you are making a substantial income from your work in blogging/social media. But if you do find yourself at that step in your blogging work, I can’t recommend Cat and Gatto Designs enough!
Obviously feel free to ignore that advice – that’s your prerogative – but it took a long time before I saved up to make it happen. And even when I typed in my credit card information for each payment installment, my heart did a little skip.
Naturally, of course, COVID happened and then I pretty much lost all of my income from January to ~now~ so always prepare!
Content creation
Before launching your blog, it really helps to have some blog posts already under your belt. That means having content written and up on your site before launching publicly. Once you start talking about the fact that you have a blog, you want people to stick around for awhile.
That means plenty of content for them to hop around to. Before launching I’d suggest having at least five pieces of content raring and ready to go.
It also helps to have a really wonderful “About” section telling readers who exactly you are. In all fairness, I probably need to update mine. Perhaps that’s a job for the weekend!
Stop caring about what anyone you know “in real life” will think about you and your blog
Truly, this is my best piece of advice to carry with you not only with starting your blog, but throughout life.
You cannot care what people will say. I promise you there will be a whole bunch of internet pals who will be incredibly supportive. But in order to put yourself out there online, you need to really try not to feel bothered if someone you went to school with finds your blog and has silly comments to make to you.
Also, the same goes for when someone will inevitably say to you: “Well that’s easy, I could do that”. And trust me, they will. I know friends who have started blogs and ask for advice now and… perhaps it shouldn’t be their calling in life.
It’s not for everyone. Remember, in order to have a successful blog, you need to have a certain skill set as a writer. I’m not saying I’m wonderfully perfect or anything. But I’ve always been passionate about writing and photography and probably oversharing. Blogging really isn’t for everyone. If you’re not a good writer – I’m sorry this is so harsh – but there are so many other wonderful creative talents you can utilize instead!
Sorry – that’s my only really negative bit in here. I promise you though, it needs to be said. If you are not a writer, it’s going to feel incredibly painstakingly difficult forcing yourself to work on blog posts. As a semi-natural writer (gosh, I know I sound like such a bragger there) it’s even tricky for me sometimes! Chances are you will inevitably get frustrated – natural writer or not – and that’s OK.
Prepare for the long haul
It doesn’t just happen overnight and it’s not particularly an “easy path”. I’ve had my blog kicking about since 2013. And while I haven’t posted regularly on it, it’s been a part of my life for a long time. Only recently in the past few years have I found success with it.
I would never recommend starting a blog if your only end game achievement is making money. There’s nothing wrong with making money, of course, but you will find yourself absolutely discouraged by the fact that it is not going to come immediately. And sure, just like He’s JUST Not That Into You, there are exceptions to the rules. But it’s not that likely.
Blogging takes hard work and dedication. It’s even harder to stay committed to blogging than staying committed to social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Writing is all-consuming – and occasionally tiring. This is the first “big” post I’ve written in awhile and I’m already drained.
And I still have to shoot the photos you’ll be seeing on here to accompany it all.
Ah, the life of a blogger.
So there you have it, my first eight essential tips for starting a blog. I hope I haven’t scared you off too much. My next series will be coming soon. I’m planning to talk about choosing genres that fit your personality best, tips around gaining an audience, and if my Instagram messages have anything to say about it… there will be plenty more. You all have lots of questions!
For now though, I will leave you with this…
Good luck!
Kelly xx