

  1. rebecca says

    I can completely agree with you on those anxieties, it’s quite stressful to say the least! however I love how you have turned it into a positive form 🙂

    I have also become addicted to Pinterest, in-fact it was suggested through a Twitter Chat and I’ve been on it ever since (Loving the Home Decor on there) just fab!

    Wonderful post 🙂 and blog! x


    • Kelly FlatEleven says

      Thank you! It’s good to turn stressful things into positives, or at least to find positive outlets for stress and anxieties. Pinterest is definitely a nice addiction to have. (I love the home decor section too!) xox

  2. Jodie says

    This is exactly what I needed this morning! I’ve also become a little addicted to Pinterest – these quotes show why! x
