

  1. Tinkerbell Jayne says

    I got a Travelex card three years ago for a backpacking trip and it is still my no.1 travel product. It’s so easy to top up or do a bank transfer, you get great rates and it makes your trip hassle free.
    I NEVER EVER order euros or currencies anymore, I just load up my card and then withdraw cash at the airport.
    Looks like you had a great day though and spent ya dosh wisely! (Ahem, especially on the champagne *clink*)
    x tink jayne x
    Travel & Lifestyle Blog – allabouttink.co.uk

  2. Connie Consumes says

    I really loved doing this challenge too – got us out enjoying London like it was our first visit all over again! I still haven’t been to Searcy’s and the photos always look fab – need a champagne stop pronto!